AppEasy 1.4.7 – The Easy Cross Platform Development System for Mobile now Available for Download

AppEasy Version 1.4.7 is Now Available

AppEasy the cross platform mobile game and app development system for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows that is aimed at all levels of experience releases latest update

AppEasy version 1.4.7 is now available for download from here.

Please upgrade to the latest version. Note that before updating, close down your current version of AppEasy, rename c:\AppEasy to c:\AppEasy2, install and run AppEasy 1.4.7 then copy any changes / certificates from c:\AppEasy2 to c:\AppEasy. Note that if you install the update before renaming c:\AppEasy then simply exit the AppEasy project manager, rename the folder and run AppEasy again.

Core Engine Changes:

  • ActorParticles has new property called VelocityAll which sets the velocity of all particles in the particle system
  • actor lua lib has new closest(actor, type) and furthest(actor, type) which return the closest and furthest actors from the specified actor
  • CallGlobalScript action now works the same way as CallScript
  • All lua functions now report file and line number errors
  • All command and actions now report error files and line numbers, although line number reported is the actions list or program that contains the problem action or command and not the actual problem action or command
  • ActorParticles has new attribute called AutoDelete, when set to true (default) actor is deleted when it finishes otherwise it is left in an inactive and invisible state
  • BodyAwake attribute added to actors which returns true if the physics body is awake
  • Destroyed attribute added to actors which returns true if actor has been marked as destroyed by the system
  • can take a scene or actor. If neither are supplied then the containing actor or scene will be used as the target
  • sys.loadXoml() function added to load XOML files from Lua
  • Scene now has new OnPan event that gets called when the scene is panned
  • New actor.findOfType(type, scene) added that returns a table of all actors of the specified type
  • Bindings now support index variables
  • Adding to Position, PositionX and PositionY are no longer applied using the original position
  • PositionOrg, PositionOrgX and PositionOrgY added that do reference the original position (write only and cannot be set, only used for adding)
  • Added new particles lua library that can be used to interact with the particles within an ActorParticles based actor
  • ActorParticles Gravity changed from float to vec2
  • ActorParticles has new ParticleCount property
  • BUG FIX: Calling global script from actions in actor container was not passing in container actor
  • BUG FIX: Memory leak when adding a tag other than particle inside ActorParticle definition
  • BUG FIX: Particles depth broken in ActorParticles
  • BUG FIX: Some events were not being over written when set via properties
  • BUG FIX: actor.add() fixed
  • BUG FIX: Setting opacity property did not work as intended
  • BUG FIX: When setting variable to a whole number from lua, trailing zeros are now removed
  • BUG FIX: Box2dMaterial was not being applied when set as a property
  • BUG FIX: OnCollisionStart / OnCollisionEnd was being called for each actor that the target actor collided with

Error Reporting

We have done more work on the error reporting system, you will now find more meaningful error reports in debug.txt, including file names and line numbers.

Programmable Particle Systems

Particle actors have been made more versatile, including providing a new lua API (particles) that provides direct access to individual particles.

Other stuff

Scenes now support the OnPan event, which is called when a user pans the camera in a scene. The sys lua library also now allows loading of XOML files from lua.

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