AppEasy 1.4.9 Now Available – Polygonal sprites, multiple fixtures, sqlite and SVG, TexturePacker tools

AppEasy Version 1.4.9 is Now Available

AppEasy the cross platform mobile game and app development system for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows that is aimed at all levels of experience releases latest update

AppEasy version 1.4.9 is now available for download from here.

Please upgrade to the latest version. Note that before updating, close down your current version of AppEasy, rename c:\AppEasy to c:\AppEasy2, install and run AppEasy 1.4.9 then copy any changes / certificates from c:\AppEasy2 to c:\AppEasy. Note that if you install the update before renaming c:\AppEasy then simply exit the AppEasy project manager, rename the folder and run AppEasy again.

New Tools:

  • New tool added that converts Texture Packer and SVG data to XOML

Core Engine Changes:

  • Timeline has new property called AutoDelete which if set to true will auto delete the timeline when its finished. Be careful not to delete timelines that are shared across multiple objects
  • Animation has new property called AutoDelete which if set to true will auto delete the animation when its finished being played by a timeline. Be careful not to delete animations that are shared across multiple timelines
  • Actors now support multiple physics shapes (fixtures) using the new Fixtures inner tag
  • Actor Shape property is now write only. Setting a shape will remove all previous shapes
  • Support for new Geometry type which enables creation of actors that are built from collections of triangles, quads or a polygon
  • Actor has new attribute called Geometry which defines a geometry that the actor will use to render itself
  • New example (Tes68) added that shows how to use Geometries
  • Removed Video OnStopped event as its no longer needed
  • Support for sqlite added
  • Added Test69 which shows a sqlite test
  • BUG FIX: Fixed VideoOverlay OnEnd and OnStart events

Polygonal Sprites

One of the most exciting changes we have brought to 1.4.9 is the ability to step outside of the rectangular sprite based actors system using our new versatile geometry system. Using the new geometry system you can create any shape you like. Actors can now be built from polygons, triangle lists and quad lists. You can also specify your own UV texture coordinates as well as per vertex RGBA information. AppEasy will handle taps and intersection of this new type of geometry including disconnected geometry. Here are a few examples of geometries:

[sourcecode language=”xml”]
<!–Create a single triangle–>
<Geometry Name="Geoms1" Vertices="-200,-200,200,200,-200,200" UV="0,0,1,1,0,1" Type="TriList" />
<!–Create two triangles–>
<Geometry Name="Geoms2" Vertices="-200,-200,200,200,-200,200,-400,-400,-200,-400,-200,0" Type="TriList" />
<!–Create a house shape –>
<Geometry Name="Geoms3" Vertices="-200,-200,0,-300,200,-200,200,200,-200,200" Indices="0,1,2,3,4" Colours="255,0,0,255,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255" Type="Poly"/></pre>

Once you attach any of the above geometries to an actor the actor will take on the new geometric shape:

[sourcecode language=”xml”]
<Icon Name="Sprite1" Position="200,0" Background="bg1" Geometry="Geoms1" />

Physics Now Supports Multiple Fixtures

Actors now supports the new Fixtures inner tag that enables you to specify multiple shapes and materials etc that are attached to a single actor, e.g:

[sourcecode language=”xml”]
<Icon Position="0,0" Background="Land" Box2dMaterial="FixedHeavy">
<Fixture Shape="LandScapeBase" Box2dMaterial="FixedHeavy" CollisionFlags="1,1,1" COM="0,0"/>
<Fixture Shape="LandScapePeak" Box2dMaterial="FixedHeavy" CollisionFlags="1,1,1" COM="0,0"/>

SQLite Added

Due to popular request we have added lsqlite3 to 1.4.9 which enables SQL interaction via Lua.

Asset Conversion Tool

A new tool has been added that facilitates conversion of Texture Packer and SVG data to XOML. In particular the tool enables you to use SVG editors such as Inkscape to layout game levels and app layouts as well as create complex geometries easily.

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