IwGame Engine Tutorial – Scenes

CIwGameScene Object – A Place for Actors to Play


Its easier to think about game development if we think in terms of the movie business, we all watch movies and programmes on the TV which makes it easy to relate to.

A movie usually consists of a number of scenes that contains the environment, actors and cameras. At the moment, IwGame only supports actors and cameras (environments may be added at a later date).

A CIwGameScene is responsible for the following functionality:

  • Setup and handling of the virtual canvas
  • Managing, updating and cleaning up actors
  • Managing, updating, rendering and cleaning up sprites
  • Managing and clean up of animation data
  • Managing and clean up of animation timelines
  • Managing and clean up of Marmalade resource groups
  • Managing and clean up of images
  • Managing and clean up of physics materials and shapes
  • Clipping sprites against the scenes visible extents
  • Updating the camera
  • Tracking actors that can potentially collide
  • Transitions between scenes
  • Updating the scenes animation timeline
  • Instantiating itself from XOML
  • Managing and clean up of XOML variables
  • Updating physics

Its also worth a major note at this point that any actors that live inside a scene will be transformed by the same transform as the scene, so if you move, scale or spin the scene then the contained actors will also move, scale and spin with it. The same can also be said about the base colour of the scene

Creating a Scene

Creating a scene is very simple, as the following code shows:

	CIwGameScene* game_scene = new CIwGameScene();
	game_scene->setVirtualTransform(VIRTUAL_SCREEN_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, true, false);

In the above code snippet we allocate a new CIwGameScene object and called its Init() method to set up scene internals. We give the scene a name so we can find it later then set the virtual transform (see next section for explanation of the virtual canvas). Finally we ask the game to change the current scene to our newly created scene (CIwGame::ChangeScene())

You can create as many scenes as you like and add them to the game, just remember only one can be the active scene, but all visible scenes will be rendered.

I would like to add some additional information regarding CIwGameScene::Init(), its prototype looks like this:

int	Init(int max_collidables = 128, int max_layers = 10);

As you can see, the method actually takes two parameters (defaults are applied so you can go with the defaults if you like). The two additional parameters are defined as:

  • max_collidables – This the maximum size of the collidable objects list and should be as large as the maximum number of objects that can possibly collide in your scene. For example, if you have 100 objects that are marked as collidable then you can set this value to 100
  • max_layers – Scenes support object layering, the default number of layers is set to 10, but you can change this value here

If you would like to prevent the internal Box2D physics engine update then set the scenes WorldScale to 0:

	game_scene->getBox2dWorld()->setWorldScale(0, 0);

This stops the internal Box2D physics update. It can be re-enabled by changing WorldScale to a valid value.

Virtual Canvas

Targeting a large selection of different phones, tablets and other devices with a variety of screen sizes and aspect ratios is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to game development. Luckily the CIwGameScene class takes care of this for us. A scene is quite a clever object in that it can render itself to any sized / configuration display using the virtual canvas concept. A virtual canvas is basically our own ideal screen size that we want to render to. The scene will scale and translate int visuals to fit our canvas onto the devices display allowing us to get on with developing our game using a static resolution. Lets take a look at the prototype for setting a scenes virtual canvas:

	void	CIwGameScene::setVirtualTransform(int required_width, int required_height, float angle, bool fix_aspect = false, bool lock_width = false);

And an explanation of its parameters:

  • required_width – The width of the virtual canvas
  • required_height – The height of the virtual canvas
  • angle – Angle of the virtual canvas
  • fix_aspect – Forces the rendered canvas to lock to the devices aspect ratio (you may see letter boxing or clipping)
  • lock_width –Calculates scale based on screen_width / required_width if set true, otherwise scale based on screen_height / required_height.
  • 3.4 Scene Object Management
  • When it comes to coding I am quite bone idle and hate having to track things such as allocating actors, images / memory for animations etc,. I want something that will let me allocate these types of objects, assign them then forget about them. CIwGameScene contains a SpriteManager, and a ResourceManager (will cover these in detail later) that takes care of the things that I don’t want bothering with during development. In addition, if I remove a scene from the game CIwGameScene will clean the lot up for me when it gets destroyed.

This automated clean-up does come at a very small price however, if you want to add a resource group to the scene then you will need to do that through the scene itself. Here’s an example:

	// Create and load a resource group
	CIwGameResourceGroup* level1_group = new CIwGameResourceGroup();
	// Add the resource group to the scenes resource manager

As you can see we need a reference to the scene so that we can get to the resource manager. Not too painful, but thought it best to make you aware of this small caveat.

Scene Extents and Clipping

Scenes have an extents area that can be defined which defines the area in which actors can be, actors that are outside of the scenes extents are wrapped around to the other side of the scene. This behaviour can be enabled / disabled on a per actor basis. You can set the scenes extents by calling:

	void CIwGameScene::setExtents(int x, int y, int w, int h);

Scenes also allow you to define a visible clipping area, pixels from the scene that fall outside that area will not be drawn. You can set the clipping area of a scene by calling:

	void CIwGameScene::setClippingArea(int x, int y, int w, int h);

The default behaviour is for the clipping area to move with the scenes camera, but this can be disabled by enabling the scenes ClipStatic state. When ClipStatic is true, the scenes clipping rectangle will remain static on screen, whilst the contents move around inside the clipping area.

Scene Camera

A scene has a camera associated with it that allows the user to pan around the scene as well as rotate and scale the view. All actors within the scene will move / rotate and scale in relation to the camera. It is possible to switch cameras within a scene, although you will need to manage the lifetime of these cameras, the scene will only manage the currently attached camera (so do not delete it a camera if it is assigned to the scene. You can assign a camera to the scene using:

	void CIwGameScene::setCamera(CIwGameCamera* camera);

Potential Colliders and Collision Handling

As a scene processes actors it will build a list of references to all actors that are marked as possibly colliders, once all actors have been processed the scene will walk the list of potential colliders and call their ResolveCollisions() method to give each actor a chance to handle its own collisions. Note that the scene does NOT handle collision detection and response, actors themselves should take care of that.

Note that actors that have a physics material attached are under the control of the Box2D physics engine and collision is handled separately (more on this in the actors section)


Current Scene Concept

Because the game consists of multiple scenes and only one scene can have the focus at any one time we use the concept of the current scene. Whilst all scenes are visible (unless made hidden) and rendered they are not all processed. By default the only scene that is processed is the current scene. It is however possible to force a scene to be processed even when it does not have the focus by calling CIwGameScene::setAllowSuspend(false). This will prevent the scene from being suspended when another scene is made the current scene.

Scenes can exist in two states, suspended or operational (resumed). Suspending scenes are not processed but are still rendered. When a new scene is switched to using CIwGame::changeScene(CIwGameScene* new_scene) the old scene will be put into a suspended state and the new scene will be resumed. IwGame will notify you when either of these events occur via the following methods:

virtual void	NotifySuspending(CIwGameScene* new_scene)    // This event is called when this scene is being suspended
virtual void	NotifyResuming(CIwGameScene* old_scene)      // This event is called when this scene is being resumed
virtual void	NotifyLostFocus(CIwGameScene* new_scene)     // This event is called when this scene has just lost focus
virtual void	NotifyGainedFocus(CIwGameScene* old_scene)   // This event is called when this scene has just gained focus

In order to receive these events you should implement them in your derived scene class, e.g.:

void	MyGameScene::NotifySuspending(CIwGameScene* new_scene)
	// Add code to handle the scene being suspended

Note that you do not need to derive your own scene class from CIwGameScene as long as you are happy with the generic functionality that it ptovides, however you will not have access to the suspend / resume functionality as C style callbacks are not used in this instance.

You can tie into these events in XOML by implementing the OnSuspend /OnResume events, e.g.:

    <Scene Name="GameScene3" OnSuspend="SuspendActions">
        <Actions Name="SuspendActions">
            <Action Method="ChangeScene" Param1="GameScene2" />
            <Action Method="PlayTimeline" Param1="GameScene3Anim" />
            <Action Method="PlaySound" Param1="Explosion" />

When the scene is suspended, the actions set SuspendedActions will be executed.

Actor Management

The main reason that scenes exist is to facilitate actors. Once an actor is created and added to a scene the scene handles their update, rendering and clean up. CIwGameScene contains the following methods for adding, removing and searching for actors within a scene:

void				addActor(CIwGameActor *actor);
void				removeActor(CIwGameActor* actor);
void				removeActor(unsigned int name_hash);
CIwGameActor*			findActor(const char* name);
CIwGameActor*			findActor(unsigned int name_hash);
CIwGameActor*			findActor(int type);
void				clearActors();


Scene Naming and Finding Scenes

IwGame is designed to prevent what I like to call “unreliable references”. To me an unreliable reference is a reference to an another object that can disappear at any moment without the object that references it knowing about it, this can lead to some pretty nasty bugs that are incredibly difficult to track down. So instead of simply keeping a reference to an object we keep a name.

IwGame uses object naming quite extensively for major system such as actors and scenes. The idea is that if we want to speak to a scene from somewhere outside that scenes instance we simply find it by name using CIwGame::findScene(). Once found we can grab a pointer to it and access it. The wonderful thing about this system is that if the scene has disappeared when we call findScene() a NULL pointer will be returned signifying that it no longer exists, allowing our calling code to determine what to do about it (as opposed to simply crashing or doing something even worse such as writing all over memory that its not supposed to).

The naming system does add a little overhead to our game but not a great deal as searches are done using string hashes instead of string comparisons. The tiny overhead is definitely worth the buckets of tears that you can potentially save from days of tracking down hard to find bugs.


Scene Layers

Actors within a scene can be depth sorted using layers. Each actor has its own layer number which decides where it will appear within the scenes depth tree. Actors on higher layers will appear over actors on lower layers. Actors on the same layer will be drawn in the order in which they were added to the layer, so later actors will be drawn on top of earlier added actors.

Note that the layering system is not strictly part of the scene engine, instead it is handled by the sprite manager contained within a scene, but for the purpose of easy access is accessible through the scene.


Scene Origin

A scenes origin is set at 0, 0, which is the centre of the virtual canvas (usually centre of screen) for the default transform.


Scene Visibility and Active State

Scenes can be made visible or invisible by calling CIwGameScene::setVisible(). You can also query the visibility of a scene using CIwGameScene::isVisible(). When a scene is invisible it is not rendered.

Scenes can also be made active or inactive by calling CIwGameScene::setActive(). You can also query the active state of a scene by calling CIwGameScene::isActive(). When a scene is active it is processed.

Note that a scenes active and visibility states are independent, an inactive scene will still be rendered and an invisible scene that is active will still be processed.


Scene Transitions

Scene transitions are taken care of by the timeline system. A quick scroll scene transition is shown below:

    <Animation Name="SceneTransition1" Type="vec2" Duration="2" >
        <Frame Value="0, 0"    Time="0.0" />
        <Frame Value="480, 0"  Time="2.0" />

    <Scene Name="GameScene" …..... OnSuspend="SuspendActions">
        <Actions Name="SuspendActions">
            <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="SceneTransition1" />
        <Timeline Name="SceneTransition1" AutoPlay="true">
            <Animation Anim="SceneTransition1" Target="Position" Repeat="1" StartAtTime="0"/>

In the above XOML we create a scene and attach the SuspendActions collection to the OnSuspend scene event. Note that the timeline was defined inside the scene because it is not requested until some actor actually suspends the scene. Here’s an example showing an actor that raises the scene suspended event when it is tapped:

    <TestActor Name="Player4" ...... OnTapped="SuspendScene3">
        <Actions Name="SuspendScene3">
           <Action Method="SuspendScene" Param1="GameScene3" />


Creating a Scene from XOML

Scenes can be created declaratively using XOML mark-up, making scene creation much easier and more readable. Below shows an example of a scene declared using XOML:

    <Scene Name="GameScene" CanvasSize="320, 480" FixAspect="true" LockWidth="false" Colour="0, 0, 255, 255" AllowSuspend="false">

The scene tag supports many different attributes that determine how a scene is created and how it behaves. A description of these tags are listed below:

  • Name – Name of the scene (string)
  • Type – Type of scene (integer)
  • CanvasSize – The virtual canvas size of the screen (x, y 2d vector)
  • FixAspect – Forces virtual canvas aspect ratio to be fixed (boolean)
  • LockWidth – Forces virtual canvas to lock to with if true, height if false (boolean)
  • Extents – A rectangular area that describes the extents of the scenes world (x, y, w, h rect)
  • AllowSuspend – Determines if the scene can be suspended when other scenes are activated (boolean)
  • Clipping – A rectangular area that represents the visible area of the scene (x, y, w, h rect)
  • Active – Initial scene active state (boolean)
  • Visible – Initial scene visible state (boolean)
  • Layers – The number of visible layers that the scene should use (integer)
  • Layer – The visual layer that this scene should be rendered on (integer)
  • Colliders – The maximum number of colliders that the scene should support (integer)
  • Current – If true then the scene is made the current scene (boolean)
  • Colour / Color – The initial colour of the scene (r, g, b, a colour)
  • Timeline – The time line that should be used to animate the scene
  • Camera – Current camera
  • OnSuspend – Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is suspended
  • OnResume – Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is resumed
  • OnCreate – Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is created
  • OnDestroy – Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is destroyed
  • OnKeyBack – Provides an actions group that is called when the user presses the back key
  • OnKeyMenu – Provides an actions group that is called when the user presses the menu key
  • Gravity – Box2D directional world gravity (x, y 2d vector)
  • WorldScale – Box2D world scale (x, y 2d vector)
  • Batch – Tells the system to batch sprites for optimised rendering (boolean)
  • AllowFocus – If set to true then this scene will receive input focus events that the current scene would usually receive exclusively. This is useful if you have a HUD overlay that has functionality but it cannot be the current scene as the game scene is currently the current scene1Anim
  • DoSleep – If set to true then actors that utilise physics will eb allowed to sleep when they are not moving / interacting


Animating Scene Components

Scenes allow an animation time line to be attached to them that animates various properties of the scene. The following properties are currently supported:

  • Camera Position – Cameras current position
  • Camera Angle– Cameras current angle
  • Camera Scale– Cameras current scale
  • Colour – Scenes current colour
  • Clipping – Scenes current clipping extents
  • Visible – Scenes current visible state
  • Timeline – The currently playing timeline
  • Camera – change current camera

Any of these properties can be set as an animation target


Creating a Custom Scene

Whilst CIwGameScene can suffice for most tasks, you may find that you need to create your own type of scene that has functionality specific to your game or app. You begin the creation of a custom scene by deriving your own scene class from CIwGameScene then overloading the following methods to provide implementation:

	virtual int	Init(int max_collidables = 128, int max_layers = 10);
	virtual void	Update(float dt);
	virtual void	Draw();

Here’s a quick example:

class MyGameScene : public CIwGameScene
	MyGameScene() : CIwGameScene() {}
	virtual ~MyGameScene();

	virtual int		Init(int max_collidables = 128, int max_layers = 10)
		CIwGameScene::Init(max_collidables, max_layers);
	virtual void	Update(float dt)
	virtual void	Draw()

We have provided a very basic implementation of Init(), Update() and Draw() which call the base CIwGameScene class methods so we keep its functionality in-tact.

You can take the implementation one step further (or maybe two) by implementing both the IIwGameXomlResource and IIwGameAnimTarget interfaces to allow instantiation of your custom class from XOML and to allow your class to be a target for animation time lines.

Firstly lets take a look at XOML enabling your custom scene class. To get IwGame to recognise your class whilst parsing XOML files you need to do a few things:

Derive your class from IiwGameXomlResource and implement the LoadFromXoml method
Create a class creator that creates an instance of your class then add this to the XOML engine

Lets start by taking a look at step 1.

Because we have derived our class from CIwGameScene we already have the support for step 1. However we would like to insert our own custom attribute tags so we need to make a few changes.

Lets take a look at our new class with those changes:

class MyGameScene : public CIwGameScene
	// Properties
	float		Gravity;
	void		setGravity(float gravity)	{ Gravity = gravity; }
	float		getGravity() const		{ return Gravity; }
	// Properties End
	MyGameScene() : CIwGameScene(), Gravity(10.0f) {}
	virtual ~MyGameScene();

	virtual int		Init(int max_collidables = 128, int max_layers = 10)
		CIwGameScene::Init(max_collidables, max_layers);
	virtual void	Update(float dt)
	virtual void	Draw()

	// Implementation of IIwGameXomlResource interface
	bool	LoadFromXoml(IIwGameXomlResource* parent, bool load_children, CIwGameXmlNode* node)
		if (!CIwGameScene::LoadFromXoml(parent, load_children, node))
			return false;

		// Add our own custom attribute parsing
		for (CIwGameXmlNode::_AttribIterator it = node->attribs_begin(); it != node->attribs_end(); it++)
			unsigned int name_hash = (*it)->getName().getHash();

			if (name_hash == CIwGameString::CalculateHash("Gravity"))

		return true;

Our new class now basically supports a Gravity attribute that we will eventually be able to set in XOML using something like:

    <MyGameScene Name="GameScene" Gravity="9.8">

However, before we can do that we need to let the XOML system know about our new type of class (MyGameScene), so it can be instantiated when the XOM parser comes across it. To do this we need to create a creator:

class MyGameSceneCreator : public IIwGameXomlClassCreator
	IIwGameXomlResource* CreateInstance(IIwGameXomlResource* parent) { return new MyGameScene(); }

The creator basically defines the tag name “MyGameScene” and returns an instance of the MyGameScene class when CreateInstance() is called.

To get the XOML system to recognise our creator we need to add it to the XOML parsing system using:

	// Add custom MyGameScene to XOML system
	IW_GAME_XOML->addClass(new MyGameSceneCreator());

Now XOML integration is out of the way, lets take a quick look at enabling our class as an animation target.

To enable a class as an animation target we derive it from IIwGameAnimTarget and implement the UpdateFromAnimation() method. Luckily we derived our MyGameScene class from the CIwGameScene class which already provides this functionality. Lets take a quick look at how we extend the animation update method to account for animating our gravity variable.

	bool	UpdateFromAnimation(CIwGameAnimInstance *animation)
		if (CIwGameScene::UpdateFromAnimation(animation))
			return true;

		// Add our own custom animating property
		unsigned int element_name = animation->getTargetPropertyHash();

		if (element_name == CIwGameString::CalculateHash("Gravity"))
			CIwGameAnimFrameFloat* frame = (CIwGameAnimFrameFloat*)animation->getCurrentData();
			return true;

		return false;

We added the above code to our MyGameScene class definition. We begin by calling the base UpdateFromAnimation() method so we can keep the existing animation properties of the scene. We then add our own custom check for the Gravity variable. If the animation property matches Gravity then we set the gravity to the provided interpolated value.


Creating Custom Actions

XOML’s event / action system is very powerful, allowing you to tie certain events to collections of actions without writing any code. Lets take a quick look at an example:

        <!-- Create back button -->
        <InertActor Name="Back" Position="-120, 10" Size="200, 90" SrcRect="600, 333, 200, 90" Image="sprites2" OnTapped="BackAction" OnBeginTouch="BackBeginTouch" OnEndTouch="BackEndTouch">
            <Actions Name="BackAction">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="fly_out_back" Param2="PauseMenu" />
            <Actions Name="BackBeginTouch">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="buttonin_anim1" />
                <Action Method="PlaySound" Param1="ui_tap" />
            <Actions Name="BackEndTouch">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="buttonout_anim1" />

In the above XOML our actor handles the events OnEndTouch, OnTapped and OnBeginTouch. Each of these events calls an actions list when the event occurs on that object. Below the actor definition we have three action lists defined that correspond to the actions that are specified in our events:

            <Actions Name="BackAction">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="fly_out_back" Param2="PauseMenu" />

            <Actions Name="BackBeginTouch">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="buttonin_anim1" />
                <Action Method="PlaySound" Param1="ui_tap" />

            <Actions Name="BackEndTouch">
                <Action Method="SetTimeline" Param1="buttonout_anim1" />

The first action collection “BackAction” is called when a user performs a tap action on “Back” actor. This collection contains a single action which contains a method called “SetTimeline” and two parameters “fly_out_back” and “PauseMenu”.

This action actually changes the time line of the PauseMenu object to the fly_out_back animation time line (defined elsewhere in XOML). However, how does the system know how to do this and more importantly how do we define our own actions that we can call from XOML events?

Well firstly it depends on where the action is being called as certain object types have their own list of actions. In addition, there is also a global list of actions carried by the global resource manager.

Here we will take a look at adding our own custom action to the global resource manager.

The first thing we need to do is derive a class from IIwGameXomlAction and implement the Execute() method like this:

class CustomXomlAction_Global : public IIwGameXomlAction
	CustomXomlAction_Global() {}
		// Set out action name
	void Execute(IIwGameXomlResource* source, CIwGameAction* action)
		CIwGame* game = NULL;
		CIwGameScene* scene = NULL;
		CIwGameActor* actor = NULL;

		// Determine the scene, game and possibly actor that called the action
		if (source->getClassTypeHash() == CIwGameXomlNames::Scene_Hash)
			scene = (CIwGameScene*)source;
			game = scene->getParent();
		if (source->getClassTypeHash() == CIwGameXomlNames::Actor_Hash)
			actor = (CIwGameActor*)source;
			scene = actor->getScene();
			game = scene->getParent();

		// TODO: Do something with the action here (Param1 and Param2 contain parameters


Now that we have an action object we need to tell the XOML system that its available using:

IW_GAME_XOML->addAction(new CustomXomlAction_Global());

We would place this call somewhere in our main boot up so it gets called before any XOML parsing that contains this action begins.

Now lets take a look at a bit of XOML that shows the use of our new action:

    <Actions Name="BackAction">
        <Action Method="CustomeAction1" Param1="Hello World!" Param2="Im an action!" />


Augmenting Scenes

A scene once declared in XOML can later be updated / augmented with additional XOML code elsewhere. For example, lets say that you declare some common scene that contai9ns a basic background and some other elements that are common across a number of screens. You can later load the scene and then augment it by declaring the scene again then supplying the additional elements inside the newly declared scene:

    <Scene Name="CommonScene" ............ >
        <Original_Element1 />
        <Original_Element2 />
        <Original_Element3 />

Now declare a 2nd scene with the same name:

    <Scene Name="CommonScene">
        <Extra_Element1 />
        <Extra_Element2 />
        <Extra_Element3 />

In memory the scene now looks like this:

    <Scene Name="CommonScene" ............ >
        <Original_Element1 />
        <Original_Element2 />
        <Original_Element3 />
        <Extra_Element1 />
        <Extra_Element2 />
        <Extra_Element3 />

2 thoughts on “IwGame Engine Tutorial – Scenes

  1. Hi, DrMop, – great tutorial.

    but couple of questions are still unclear for me:

    – how could you create new scene from XOML on event? I actually created a couple of menu/options/etc scenes, but I want a “main” game scene (with lots of resources, images, logic, etc) to be created only when I’m clicking on “start” button in one of the predefined scenes in XOML. Right now I’ve created custom scene and I could create it in XOML, but it loads all resources in Init or in OnCreated handler, whilst we are still in game menus. I found “KillScene” action, but can’t see an opposite one -). What do you suggest?

    – I found on my Android device that my scene strangely reacts on suspend command. I’ve implemented scene Action handlers ( OnKeyBack=”PauseActions” OnKeyMenu=”PauseActions” OnSuspend=”PauseActions” AllowSuspend=”true” ) with actions

    (so basically I’ve just bringing “pause menu” to the front and want game process to be suspended). On “back” button press on device it works perfectly, but whilst I’m pressing “home” button it seems like application does not suspend. Animations jump forward on return, like update handler was still called all over the time. So basically this question is about “how to handle suspend command from device in XOML” =).

    – and the last one. Is it possible to create custom solid color brush (it is crushing now on attempt to create one). To fill scene area full with one color. (may be there is a known workaround)

    Thanks in advance, Michael.

  2. The idea behind XOML is that you create your scene in a XOML file then use LoadXOML tag or action to load it. You can also create XOML scenes on teh fly in C++ / Lua

    Suspend in a scene refers to the scene being suspended and not the device.

    Solid and gradient brushes are not currently supported but will be added soon.

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