Cartoon Artwork

I got to the point developing hobby games where I was fed up of using programmer art work so I decided to learn how to create a little art work, so I got a hold of a copy of DrawPlus (vector art work software) and started to learn how to draw various things using vectors,. Whilst the quality is not FAB or anything near what a proper game artist produces, I have fun doing it and it looks passable. I’ve started to create some bits for my next game (it has no title yet) but its a large collection of mini-games. Here are a few bits:

Grumpies Characters

Grumpies Characters

Cartoon Buildings

Cartoon Buildings

Cartoon Tree

Cartoon Tree

Cartoon Fence

Cartoon Fence

Cartoon Cloud

Cartoon Cloud

Cartoon Bubble Character

Cartoon Bubble Character

Cartoon Pipes

Cartoon Pipes

Feel free to use any of the images on this page (with exception to the characters) in your own games.