I recently found the need to spruce up the water in a new 2D game that I am working on, so I decided to have a play around with Unity shaders again. Here’s the code to the shader: [sourcecode language=”js”] Shader "Unlit/WaterTexture" { Properties { _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white"… Read more“2D water shader in Unity 3D”
Day: September 6, 2016
Cartoon Artwork
I got to the point developing hobby games where I was fed up of using programmer art work so I decided to learn how to create a little art work, so I got a hold of a copy of DrawPlus (vector art work software) and started to learn how to… Read more“Cartoon Artwork”
Installing and running Node.js on a VPS
Introduction I recently had the requirement to implement a global none app store specific leaderboard system that can track scores and players for a mobile game that I am developing in Unity3D. After much investigation node.js seems to be the technology to use to create a server to handle it…. Read more“Installing and running Node.js on a VPS”