AppEasy 1.3 Now Available

AppEasy Version 1.3 is Now Available

AppEasy the cross platform mobile game and app development system for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows that is aimed at all levels of experience releases latest update

AppEasy version 1.3 is now available for download from here.

Please upgrade to the latest version. Note that before updating, close down your current version of AppEasy, rename c:\AppEasy to c:\AppEasy2, install and run AppEasy 1.3 then copy any changes / certificates from c:\AppEasy2 to c:\AppEasy.

iOS App Store Signing

You can now sign your apps for distribution using a valid distribution certificate and distribution profile. If you have an app ready for App store submission then please let us know how you get on.

Windows Platform Added

You will notice that the AppEasy project manager has got a few new options, including a new deployment platform (Windows). You can now deploy a native Windows application which you can commercialise or use for demo purposes. There is also an option for Apple Mac but that is not currently enabled. We are looking to offer Mac support by 1.5.

AppEasy Wizard

We have added a new feature called the Easy Wizard. This wizard is an app that provides a step by step process for new iOS developers. It walks the developer through 9 steps including creating a developer account, creating a signing certificate request (on Windows), getting certificates, adding test devices, getting provisioning profiles and more, all steps are explained with additional available help built into the program. We will be adding steps for app store submissions and an Android version of the wizard for 1.5.

Inline Scripting

Its now possible to execute raw script from actions and commands. The script can be included within the action / command parameter or provided from a XOML variable, allowing dynamic scripting. This also saves having to call script functions when not needed, embedding logic into templates etc..

Rendering Engine Upgrade

We have upgraded the rendering engine to use floating point, so you should notice an improvement in rendering quality.

Complete list of changed in 1.3 include:

Changes to AppEasy Project Manager

  • iOS App Store signing now implemented, you can now sign your apps and submit them to the Apple App Store
  • Deployment to Windows platform added. You can now build commercial PC apps and games using AppEasy
  • Advanced options have been moved up to the top of the options panel
  • Simulator screen size moved up to top of the options panel
  • New debug info selector which can be used to change how much debug info is shown in builds (does not affect simulator test as this always shows max debug info)
  • New Windows deployment options section added
  • Support for more video cards added to the simulator
  • Apple Wizard tool added
  • BUG FIX: Fixed screen size label misplacement
  • BUG FIX: Deployment of app with space in location filename fails
  • BUG FIX: Drop down screen size settings now applied immediately
  • BUG FIX: Can no longer deploy an Android / iOS app store app without the proper key store / provisioning profile information

Changes to AppEasy Core Engine

  • Rendering engine has been upgraded from fixed point to floating point
  • Raw script can now be executed inline using the new “Inline” action and “inline” command. P2 specifies scene in which to run the script (omit to run in global script space)
  • Actors that have Draggable set to true will also set Hittest to true unless you override it
  • Lua Change Program now has new restart, next, priority and goto commands. Also takes optional 3rd parameter which is used as name of command to goto
  • New getDistanceBetween() Lua function added which returns the distance between two parent actors (does not take into account transforms)
  • New getAngleBetween() Lua function added which returns the angle (in degrees) between two parent actors (does not take into account transforms)
  • New Lua getFreeMem() function added to get total free memory available
  • New Lua functions ScreenToScene() and SceneToScreen() which convert between screen and scene coordinates
  • If a script function does not exist in the scenes script space then the system will attempt to call the same named function in the global script space. This allows you to call global functions in the global script space from any scenes script engine.
  • Lua getVariable(), getProgram(), getActor() and getResource() now look to the script engines container scene if the scene is not supplied. If no scene is available (the script is declared globally) then the global script space will be used. if no valid scene is found for getActor() then an error will occur as actors can only exist inside a scene.
  • All files are now Preload and Blocking by default
  • BUG FIX: Template parameter case issue fixed
  • BUG FIX: Nop command now returns immediately
  • BUG FIX: Lua crash when garbage collector kicks in crash fixed
  • BUG FIX: Crash when not assigning brush a type. Defaults to Image with a warning
  • BUG FIX: When actor is created via Lua createActor() and parent is an actor then depth of child is set to 0
  • BUG FIX: WebView was not positioned correctly when scene origin was set to something other than centre

Example Changes

  • Added Complex UI example

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