Hey everyone, some good news. We finally got the first version of the first IwGame Engine game cOnnecticOns up on the Android Market at https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pocketeers.connecticons. Playbook, Bada and iOS builds will be available within the next few weeks.
And the even better news is that we are on schedule for releasing the full source this weekend! We’ve had a bit of a delay because we decided to upgrade the game a bit. We added an extra zone with 10 additional levels, as well as a game editor to allow players to create and play up to 20 of their own levels. Oh, and players can also post their scores to Facebook using the new CIwGameFacebook class (coming in the next IwGame engine update 0.31 this weekend)

The next update of the game will feature sharing levels between users using a web service, for which we will release the full source code, including the server side scripts.
The update after that will feature in-app purchase content using new classes that e are developing for the IwGame engine.
If you download the game then please consider leaving a nice review
Cool game and works really smooth! Much better work than I expected from trailer:)
I think reset level button should be availably for all the time, because sometimes I see that I have no chance to win but I have to wait when time expire.
I also noticed that logo text and padlock image aren’t carefully cut-out (I can see bottom borders of them).
I just bought the game, it is pretty awesome. Thank you for all your hard work and I am looking forward to the release of the source code.
Sounds good…You have done a great job with this engine. I’m looking forward the source code to see how you have done some parts as I’m having some issues with my game right now