AppEasy Core SDK  1.5.0
Cross platform mobile and desktop app and game development SDK - The easy way to make apps
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00001 // 
00002 //
00003 // AppEasy SDK - Cross Platform Multi-purpose Game and App Engine
00004 //
00005 // Developed by Matthew Hopwood of Pocketeers Limited -
00006 //
00007 // For updates, tutorials and more details check out
00008 //
00009 // This code is provided free of charge and without any warranty whatsoever. You must ensure that this whole notice is present in all files and derivatives, so the reader knows its origin.
00010 // If you use this SDK in your product then please ensure that you credit AppEasy's usage appropriately. Please see for licensing details and support
00011 //
00012 //
00014 //
00015 // Working ad providers
00016 // --------------------
00017 // Inner-active
00018 // AdFonic
00019 // VServ - Allows you to set up other networks including InMobi, BuzzCity, JumpTap, Zestadz and Inner-active
00020 // Mojiva
00021 // MillennialMedia - Allows you to set up other networks including AdMob, Amobee, JumpTap and Mojiva
00022 // AdModa
00023 //
00024 // Ad providers that will never work
00025 // ---------------------------------
00026 // AdMob - Closed their REST API so will never be available
00027 // MoPub - API is closed so will never be available
00028 //
00029 // Ad Providers with issues
00030 // ------------------------
00031 // MobClix - Cant find a REST API
00032 // MobFox - Ads wont deliver over WiFi or Carrier and clicks are not registered
00033 // InMobi - Cannot get a single ad, either get bad request error or no ad error
00034 // Madvertise - Registering impressions but never returns any ads
00035 // KomliMobile - Always receieve "your account  has been banned" message so gave up
00036 //
00037 // Ad Providers that need implementation
00038 // -------------------------------------
00039 // BuzzCity - 
00042 #if !defined(_CZ_ADS_H_)
00043 #define _CZ_ADS_H_
00045 #include "CzUtil.h"
00046 #include "CzHttp.h"
00047 #include "CzImage.h"
00048 #include "CzTime.h"
00050 //#define _AD_DO_NOT_USE_
00052 #define CZ_ADS              (CzAds::getInstance())
00054 #define CZ_ADS_TIMEOUT      10000
00055 #define CZ_MAX_CACHED_ADS   4
00056 #define CZ_MAX_AD_AGE       (5 * 60000)
00058 class CzAdsMediator;
00060 //
00061 //
00062 // CzAd - The CzAd structure contains all data relating to the ad returned from the ad server
00063 //
00064 //
00065 struct CzAd
00066 {
00067     CzAd(): Image(NULL), isHtml(false), AdTime(0) {}
00068     virtual ~CzAd()
00069     {
00070         SAFE_DELETE(Image)
00071     }
00073     bool            isHtml;         // If isHtml is set to true then only Text is valid and that cnotains the Ad HTML
00074     bool            isText;         // If true then the ad is a text ad
00075     CzString        Text;           // Ad text
00076     CzString        ImageURI;       // URI of image
00077     CzString        LinkURI;        // URI to be called when user clicks the ad
00078     CzImage*        Image;          // 2D image that represents the banner Ad
00079     int             ImageFormat;    // 2D Image format
00080     int64           AdTime;         // Time ad was collected
00082     CzAd*           getCopy();
00083 };
00085 //
00086 //
00087 // CzAds - The CzAds class is responsible for streaming ad data
00088 //
00089 //
00090 class CzAds
00091 {
00092 public:
00093     enum eAdProvider
00094     {
00095         InnerActive,
00096         AdFonic,
00097         VServ, 
00098         Mojiva,
00099         MillennialMedia, 
00100         AdModa, 
00101 #if defined(_AD_DO_NOT_USE_)
00102         InMobi,
00103         MobClix,
00104         MobFox,
00105         Madvertise,
00106         KomliMobile, 
00107         BuzzCity, 
00108 #endif  // _AD_DO_NOT_USE_
00109     };
00111     enum eAdsPortalType
00112     {
00113         PortalNone, 
00114         AndroidBanner, 
00115         AndroidText, 
00116         BadaBanner, 
00117         BadaText, 
00118         BlackberryBanner, 
00119         BlackberryText, 
00120         iPadBanner, 
00121         iPadText, 
00122         iPhoneBanner, 
00123         iPhoneText, 
00124         OVIBanner, 
00125         OVIText, 
00126         WebOSBanner, 
00127         WebOSText, 
00128         WinMobileBanner, 
00129         WinMobileText, 
00130         MobileWebBanner, 
00131         MobileWebText, 
00132     };
00133     enum eAdsGender
00134     {
00135         GenderInvalid, 
00136         GenderMale, 
00137         GenderFemale, 
00138     };
00139     enum eAdsError
00140     {
00141         ErrorNone, 
00142         ErrorHouseAd, 
00143         ErrorInternalError, 
00144         ErrorInvalidInput, 
00145         ErrorUnknownAppId, 
00146         ErrorNoAd, 
00147         ErrorHttp, 
00148         ErrorHttpImage, 
00149         ErrorInvalidImage, 
00150         ErrorRequestTimedOut, 
00151         ErrorInvalidAdData, 
00152     };
00153     enum eAdsImageFormat
00154     {
00155         ImageFormatInvalid, 
00156         ImageFormatPNG, 
00157         ImageFormatGIF, 
00158         ImageFormatJPG, 
00159     };
00163     // Properties
00164 protected:
00165     CzString            Version;                    // Protocol version string (for inner-active)
00166     CzString            ApplicationID;              // ID of the application thats making the request (you will need to be assigned this from your ad provider)
00167     CzString            OtherID;                    // Extra ID information
00168     unsigned int        UDID;                       // Unique ID of the device (used to identify device type, language and approx location to deliver more appropriate ads)
00169     int                 Width, Height;              // Dimensions of device (used to collect more appropriate sized ads)
00170     eAdsPortalType      PortalType;                 // Type of portal to collect ads from
00171     bool                TextAds;                    // True if you want text ads to be returned, false if banner ads
00172     bool                HtmlAds;                    // True if you want ads to be returned as html instead of xml (used by inner-active)
00173     int                 UserAge;                    // The users ages (optional)
00174     CzString            UserAgent;                  // User agent string (system will build this but it can be replaced)
00175     CzString            IPAddress;                  // IP Address of users device
00176     eAdsGender          UserGender;                 // The users gender (optional)
00177     CzString            UserLocation;               // Location string – comma separated list of country, state/province, city (optional)
00178     CzString            UserGPSLocation;            // GPS Location string – ISO code location data in latitude, longitude format (optional)
00179     CzString            Category;                   // Single word description of the application (optional)
00180     CzString            UserMobileNumber;           // Users mobile number - MSISDN format, with international prefix (optional)
00181     CzString            UserKeywords;               // Comma separated list of keywords relevant to this user’s specific session (optional)
00182     CzString            ExtraInfo;                  // Pass in any extra pareneters as name vakue pairs, e.g. &city=london&ad_unit=1 (optional)
00183     bool                AdAvailable;                // True when ad is available
00184     CzCallback          AdAvailableCallback;        // Callback to be called when Ad is available
00185     eAdsError           Error;                      // Comntains error code if any if ad not received
00186     CzString            ErrorString;                // Human readable error string
00187     CzAd                AdInfo;                     // The returned ad info
00188     CzAdsMediator*      Mediator;                   // Ad mediator (optional)
00190 public:
00191     void                setVersion(const char* version)     { Version = version; }
00192     CzString&           getVersion()                        { return Version; }
00193     void                setApplicationID(const char* id)    { ApplicationID = id; }
00194     CzString&           getApplicationID()                  { return ApplicationID; }
00195     void                setOtherID(const char* id)          { OtherID = id; }
00196     CzString&           getOtherID()                        { return OtherID; }
00197     void                setUDID(unsigned int udid)          { UDID = udid; }
00198     unsigned int        getUDID() const                     { return UDID; }
00199     void                setSize(int width, int height)      { Width = width; Height = height; }
00200     int                 getWidth() const                    { return Width; }
00201     int                 getHeight() const                   { return Height; }
00202     void                setPortalType(eAdsPortalType type) { PortalType = type; }
00203     eAdsPortalType      getPortaltype() const               { return PortalType; }
00204     void                setTextAds(bool text_ads)           { if (TextAds != text_ads) { TextAds = text_ads; PortalType = FindPortalType(TextAds); } }
00205     bool                getTextAds() const                  { return TextAds; }
00206     void                setHtmlAds(bool html_ads)           { HtmlAds = html_ads; }
00207     bool                getHtmlAds() const                  { return HtmlAds; }
00208     void                setUserAgent(const char* user_agent) { UserAgent.setString(user_agent); }
00209     CzString&           getUserAgent()                      { return UserAgent; }
00210     void                setUserAge(int age)                 { UserAge = age; }
00211     int                 getUserAge() const                  { return UserAge; }
00212     void                setUserGender(eAdsGender gender)    { UserGender = gender; }
00213     eAdsGender          getUserGender() const               { return UserGender; }
00214     void                setUserLocation(const char* location) { UserLocation = location; }
00215     CzString&           getUserLocation()                   { return UserLocation; }
00216     void                setUserGPSLocation(const char* location) { UserGPSLocation = location; }
00217     CzString&           getUserGPSLocation()                { return UserGPSLocation; }
00218     void                setMobileNumber(const char* number) { UserMobileNumber = number; }
00219     CzString&           getUserMobileNumber()               { return UserMobileNumber; }
00220     void                setUserKeywords(const char* keywords) { UserKeywords = keywords; }
00221     CzString&           getUserKeywords()                   { return UserKeywords; }
00222     void                setCategory(const char* category)   { Category = category; }
00223     CzString&           getCategory()                       { return Category; }
00224     void                setExtraInfo(const char* extras)    { ExtraInfo = extras; }
00225     CzString&           getExtraInfo()                      { return ExtraInfo; }
00226     void                setAdAvailable(bool available)      { AdAvailable = available; }
00227     bool                isAdAvailable() const               { return AdAvailable; }
00228     void                setAdAvailableCallback(CzCallback callback) { AdAvailableCallback = callback; }
00229     void                setError(eAdsError error)       { Error = error; }
00230     eAdsError           getError() const                    { return Error; }
00231     void                setErrorString(const char* error)   { ErrorString.setString(error); }
00232     CzString&           getErrorString()                    { return ErrorString; }
00233     CzAd&               getAd()                             { return AdInfo; }
00234     int                 getMaxAds() const                   { return CZ_MAX_CACHED_ADS; }
00235     void                setMediator(CzAdsMediator* med) { Mediator = med; }
00236     CzAdsMediator*      getMediator()                       { return Mediator; }
00238     // Properties end
00240 protected:
00241     static unsigned int     ResponseCodes[];
00242     static int              PortalIDs[];
00244     CzString                ContentType;
00245     CzString                UserIP;
00246     CzString                ClientID;
00247     CzString                RequestURI;
00248     CzHttpRequest           AdRequest;
00249     CzTimer                 BusyTimer;
00250     eAdProvider             AdProvider;
00252     bool                    ExtractAd(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00253     void                    ErrorFromResponse(const char* error, int error_len);
00254     bool                    RequestBannerImage(CzAd& ad);
00255     void                    NotifyAdAvailable();
00256     eAdsImageFormat         GetImageFormatFromHeader();
00257     bool                    RequestAdInnerActive();
00258     bool                    RequestAdInMobi();
00259     bool                    RequestAdMobClix();
00260     bool                    RequestAdMobFox();
00261     bool                    RequestAdAdFonic();
00262     bool                    RequestAdMadvertise();
00263     bool                    RequestAdMojiva();
00264     bool                    RequestAdMillennialMedia();
00265     bool                    RequestAdVServ();
00266     bool                    RequestAdKomliMobile();
00267     bool                    RequestAdAdModa();
00268     bool                    ExtractLinkAndImageFromtHTML(CzAd& ad, CzString& html);
00269     bool                    ExtractAdInnerActive(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00270     bool                    ExtractAdInMobi(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00271     bool                    ExtractAdMobClix(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00272     bool                    ExtractAdMobFox(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00273     bool                    ExtractAdAdFonic(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00274     bool                    ExtractAdMadvertise(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00275     bool                    ExtractAdMojiva(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00276     bool                    ExtractAdMillennialMedia(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00277     bool                    ExtractAdVServ(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00278     bool                    ExtractAdKomliMobile(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00279     bool                    ExtractAdAdModa(CzAd& ad, CzString& ad_body);
00282 public:
00283     bool                    Init();                                             // Initialises the Ads system (returns true if ads are supported)
00284     void                    Release();                                          // Releases data used by the Ads system
00285     void                    Update();                                           // Update ads
00286     bool                    RequestAd(eAdProvider provider, bool reset_mediator = true);    // Requests an ad from the specified ad provider
00288     // Utility
00289     static eAdsPortalType   FindPortalType(bool text_ad = false);               // Auto find portal type from OS type and ad type
00290     static int              getPortalID(eAdsPortalType type);                   // Return portal iD
00292     // Internal
00293     void                    AdImageReceived(CzHttpRequest* request, int error); // Called by the http callback internally when an ad image is received
00294     void                    AdReceived(CzHttpRequest* request, int error);      // Called by the http callback internally when an ad is received
00296 };
00299 #endif  // _CZ_ADS_H_